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Dark Revenges International Sms Bomber Free Download

Dark Revenges International Sms Bomber Free Download 

Dark Revengers International Sms bombers v1.8
 is used to sent a tons of message to your victim in no time.
Today i am sharing my own sms bomber.its working fine and support All countries.its send 80 sms in 1 Minute.and Its Totaly Free

1) Support Upto 160 Countries
2) Sent 80 sms in one minute
4) Easy Interface With Software

How to Use :-
1) You have to make Skype ID for Login.
(Just make it free from
2) Now Enter your Skype Username and Password for Login
(It is reliable bomber of Skype so u must need to login through software before using bomber) so make a new one if you have some confusion
3) Now select your Country Code
(Example Pakistan = Pk  Saudia = SA etc)
4) Enter a Victim Number without Country code and “0″ (Zero)
(Example for pakistan “3001040404″  etc)
5) Enter a number that how many time u want to send sms to victim
6)Now simply Click on Bomb and See the Result.

You Need To Install NET FRAME WORK 3.5 to Run this Program other wise U get Error .

Download Here

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